Mental Health

8 Ways to De-stress

I have been very stressed and anxious recently. There’s been so much going on all at once and it’s just been a lot to handle. But all the recent stress has seemed to take a toll on me to the point where I need to really try to manage it better and find ways to calm myself down.

For as long as I remember I’ve been anxious. It’s been a part of who I am, whether or not I like it. I’ve lived with anxiety and its consequences for my whole life, so I’ve gotten used to what to expect. But recently it feels like anxiety is getting worse and it’s starting to have physical effects on my body that I’d like to get under control.

Here are 8 different ways I try to manage my stress that have worked for me or been advised to me:

I’m usually able to manage stress by exercising. Whether it is going out to the gym (and getting some social time in) or going out for a run/walk, moving my body has always helped me feel a little calmer.

But recently that hasn’t been enough to help me. It helps in the moment, but later on in the day the stress comes back. So I’ve had to add a little bit more in to manage it.

The other day I asked one my friends what she does to manage stress. Her reply; praying the Rosary.

It made me realize that I have been slacking in my prayer life. I’ll listen to the Rosary most mornings on The Hallow App, but I haven’t actually been praying along. I haven’t made it to adoration since the beginning of Lent, and really haven’t been making a true effort to get prayer time in.

I know that praying necessarily won’t get rid of all my stress and anxiety, and I still make therapy, exercise, and doctor appointments a priority. But prayer can only help the situation. God also wants me to seek Him out.

The Rosary in particular can be a very meditative and calming prayer when actually prayed and focused on. I have been really trying to focus on praying it out loud again and on intentions for who I want to pray for.

I have also been making an effort to try to turn to God in prayer throughout my day again.

I also realized that I haven’t taken time to actually write anything down to process it. The other day I was really upset about something and just couldn’t let it go. Until, I got out a notebook and wrote down all my feelings. Once I was done I felt so much better and like I could move on! Were all my problems solved? No, but at least I found a way to release some of the emotions I was feeling and let go of the anger and disappointment.

Writing has always been a way for me to process my thoughts, but then also be able to leave them on the paper rather than have them moving around in my head.

If something makes me upset, I like to be able to talk to someone about it to get advice on the situation or even to just vent about it for a few minutes without getting judged. Whether it is talking with a therapist, a friend, my husband, or my family, it has really helped me get a new perspective on the situation.

Taking time for myself is not easy with 5 little kids. Most of the time I have at least 1 of them with me to go somewhere. But on the weekends that my husband is home, I’m able to ask for some time to go out for a bit, whether it is to go to a store I like, a walk, or to get coffee. I especially try not to tie it into grocery shopping or some other errand and instead make it completely free time that I can spend by myself doing something I enjoy.

My therapist is always asking me if I am remembering to breathe when I get upset. And most of the time my answer is no. It’s (surprisingly) something that doesn’t come naturally to me when I’m so stressed out. But remembering to breathe is actually an important and effective way to physically get your body to calm down from it’s heightened state.

The other night I got some news that made me pretty upset. And I let myself cry for a little and talk about it with some people too. Holding in all the stress is not good for anyone, and sometimes the best way to release it is to allow yourself to cry and be upset for a little bit.

Whether gardening, walking, star gazing, or just sitting outside, spending time in nature is good for everyone. I always feel more connected to God and His creation when I’m outside, and it’s also just very humbling to experience the beauty around me.

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