
Back Home Again

We got upgraded to first class for free!
They saw I was flying alone with 3 kids 😂
The kids and I just got back home from our visit to Virginia to see my family. Our trip ended up being a little longer than we had planned, so we ended up being there for a little over a month. We all enjoyed our time together!
It’s always bittersweet for me to say goodbye and come back home. On the one hand, it is nice to be back at home with Christian and Snowy! But it is also hard for me to leave my family. Living so far away from everyone means that we usually see each other in person about once a year, sometimes twice. It’s weird saying goodbye and not knowing when I’ll be back, and also realizing that I’ll have another baby by the time I see them again!
Coming home also means facing reality again. It means going to doctors appointments, keeping up with the house, running errands, etc. I have a list of so many things I need to do, and it’s only our first day back! Visiting my parents was a nice break from some of the stressful things that would pop up throughout the day.

All the cousins together!
The kids also got into a good routine at my parents’ house while we were there. Now that we’re back home, they’re adjusting to the new (old) routine, time change, and not being around everyone. My sister and her kids were able to visit at the same time, so there were 6 kids ages 5 and under in the house. While it got a little chaotic at times, it was great to see everyone and the kids enjoyed playing with their cousins.
The kids were so excited to see Christian when he picked us up from the airport! Gabriel ran over to him and gave him a big hug and Rebecca was giggling as soon as she saw him. Theresa was really tired from the trip and was a little more hesitant towards him, but soon was back to giving daddy big smiles after sleeping. They were all happy to see their rooms and their toys too.
Yesterday, we relaxed. We stayed in pajamas longer, and played outside in the yard before lunch. The rest of the week we will be playing catch up with cleaning the house, scheduling doctor appointments and getting back into our routine.

Living far away from family comes with being a military family. It’s not my choice to live this far away, and I’d prefer to live closer to home, but it’s what life looks like for us right now so we make the best of it. We are grateful for the time that we do have together, and when we aren’t visiting, we try to call often.
I hope everyone enjoys their week!

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