
Friday Features: Guest #17- Postponed

Happy Feast Day of St. Teresa of Calcutta!

I hope you all are enjoying your holiday weekend and are finding the time today to celebrate Mother Teresa! She is the inspiration behind my blog and has quickly become one of my saint best friends. Her teachings are full of wisdom and always present me with a challenge on becoming a better wife, mother, friend, and person. My kids also love Mother Teresa!

Re-launch of Friday Features

New Date: September 10th

Thank you to everyone for following along! Friday Features has become such a fun project for me to work on and I look forward to reading a new guest’s reflection on Mother Teresa’s quote every Friday and then being able to share it with all of you!

That being said, I also did not realize how much I needed a break to spend time with my family, and try to gather more guests. I am ready to hop back in and start up Friday Features again, and I am so excited!

I know that I advertised the next guest starting this past Friday, September 3rd, and I apologize for not coming through. The guest that I had lined up for that day was no longer able to participate due to getting everything ready to join convent! As a small act with great love, please keep her in your prayers these next few weeks as she makes this big life change.

I had planned to write my own reflection on Friday instead, as I realized that it had been 1 year since I launched my new website. But, life happened, and I found myself busy. I hope to share with you all what has been going on behind the scenes here soon so you can understand while we have stayed so busy and quiet around here.

Friday Features WILL be coming back next Friday, September 10th, so mark your calendars!

Why Mother Teresa?

We got this Mother Teresa doll from

Why is Mother Teresa the inspiration behind my blog? You can read more about my original story here.

Since I have written that post, Mother Teresa has become an even better friend to me. I find her so inspirational, from her humility, trust in God, love of Mary, love of neighbor, and love for the unborn. She has been a friendly face during my depression, and I am challenge by her ability to find the joy in life no matter the circumstances.

In addition, I feel that her quotes, “Do small things with great love” and “find your own Calcutta” make sainthood feel more achievable to the average person. So many saints have done such wonderful things, and I found myself comparing my life as a stay-at-home-mom to their deeds that made a difference worldwide and feeling unimportant. But her wisdom helps me to understand that God has me where He wants me, and it is in my small actions every day, if done for His glory, that make the difference. It may not be one that everyone can see, but He knows what is in my heart.

My hope for Friday Features is that by reading testimonies of other’s, you will be inspired and realize that you are made to be a saint too! God doesn’t care how big the act itself is; he cares that you make it out of love.

Fun Giveaway

In honor of the 1 year anniversary of my website, Mother Teresa’s feast day, and Friday Features returning next week, I want to host a small giveaway for one of my favorite items ever- coffee! For everyone that shares about my blog, whether it is telling a friend about it, sharing one of your favorite articles on your social media, or sharing the reel promoting Friday Features on Instagram, I will enter you into a drawing to win $5 for a coffee on me 🙂

If you are unable to tag me on social media to share that you have participated, you can comment on this blog post that you shared. I will give an extra entry for those that suggest a guest that they would like to see for Friday Features (it can be yourself too!).

The giveaway runs from today, Sunday September 5, until Thursday, September 9th at noon CST. *Giveaway is not in any way affiliated with Instagram, Bluehost, or WordPress.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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