Friday Features

Friday Features- Guest 2 Cindy Hollcraft (My Mom)

My daughter, Michelle, asked me to write something for her blog post regarding the quote by Mother Teresa, “Do small things with great love”. To me, this is all about our everyday life. It’s doing the mundane chores each day without complaining. When the piles of laundry seem endless and you vow not to let anyone dirty another piece of clothing, (yes, I’ve been there!) think of the childless couples that would love to be doing that laundry and say a prayer of thanksgiving (my husband came up with this). Or when the toilets need to be cleaned, the floors need to be swept, mopped, or vacuumed, furniture needs to be dusted, etc., think of the homeless people and say a prayer of thanksgiving. All these everyday chores can be done with great love and offered to God.

It’s also about treating others the way you want to be treated. I always told my kids this and now I’m telling my grandkids. We should strive to treat everyone we meet the way we want to be treated – of course, that’s assuming that we all want to be treated in a kind, loving way!

The first person that influenced my faith life was my mom. She had a strong faith and passed it along to her kids. She would often fall asleep in her chair at night and say she was going to bed, but I would later see that she was sitting in bed praying the rosary or reading her prayer book. This image of her praying in bed has touched me deeply and will forever be in my memory.

Another person that has influenced my faith life was my brother-in-law, Dave. He took money that he had earned from a weekend job and gave it to me to use toward my college Rome trip. He told me to pass on the kindness whenever I was able and had the opportunity. This has had a profound impact on me. To this day, I always try to help others whenever I can.

Many years ago, I came across a poem called “Pass It On” in a Salesian Inspirational Book. It is a good reminder that we should share our gifts with others. I often shared this poem with others. When my grandma died, we found it in her Bible. I am sharing it now and hope it inspires you to pass on kindness to others:

Pass It On

If you receive a welcome smile,

Pass it on to keep it in style.

If you receive a word of praise

  Pass it on to insure it stays.

If you receive a pat on the back,

  Pass it on to those who lack.

If you receive a hug from a friend,

  Pass it on helping others mend.

If you receive a financial lift,

  Pass it on share your gift.

If you receive a faith that’s strong,

  Pass it on to those who long.

If you receive a message of hope,

  Pass it on so others may cope.

If you receive an abundance of love,

  Pass it on praising God above.

If you receive an answer to a prayer,

  Pass it on, your blessings share.

If you receive God’s blessings today,

  Pass them on without delay.

                            –William Bredesen

                           (Salesian Inspirational Books)

Finally, a more recent influence on my life was from the President of Belmont University. He said in a talk that our lives are not about us – wait, what?! That sounds crazy, right? He then went on to explain that our life should be about using our God given talents to serve others. This brings me back to the quote by Mother Teresa, “Do small things with great love”. We have all been given special talents from God and we should use them to do good for others.

I have been blessed in so many ways and strive to give thanks by doing for others. I’m not perfect. I slip and fall along the way. What’s important, though, is that I get up and try again. I pray each day and remember the saints and the people that have touched my life in a positive way. 

Who has influenced you in your faith journey?

Cindy Hollcraft has been walking by her true love’s side for the last 33 years. She loves being a wife, mom to 5 kids (and insists ALL of them are her favorite), and grandma (aka Mimi) to 7 grandkids. Her faith, family, and friends are her greatest treasures.

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