
Morning or Night?

Last night my husband and I were getting ready to go to bed, when my daughter gets up for the third time that evening to go to the bathroom. She has always been more of a night owl, and will constantly stay up playing in her room. When my husband heard her, he went over to tell her it was time for bed and that both of us were going to bed too. Then she said, “You’re going to bed already?”

It was 10:00pm. She’s 5 years old. And yes, she’s pretty tired today.

But she has always been more of a night owl.

My son, on the other hand, is a morning person. He’ll be the first one up in our house; it’s to the point where my husband and I wake up from him playing hockey in his room! While he does enjoy staying up later to play games or watch hockey, if he’s sent to bed at his usual bed time, he is usually the first one to fall asleep (not including the baby).

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

This is a common question we all run into at some point. However, I never cared for it, because I felt like I never belonged to either category. Even as a kid, I considered myself to be more of an afternoon person. Why does the middle of the day get cut out?

As an adult, I still find that to be true. I don’t enjoy waking up early, and have more energy in the middle of the day than in the beginning. I also enjoy going to bed at what I consider to be a reasonable time, though most others probably think I’m an old lady by my bed time! I start thinking about going to bed at 9pm, and anything after 10pm is late for me.

Now I am aware that the season of life I’m in plays a role in my early bed time; I know that I have an early wake up call to take care of the kids the next day, and I want to make sure that I get plenty of sleep. I also know that I am someone who needs a certain amount of sleep to function the next day.

My routine right now allows me to make use of my afternoon energy by getting a workout in while the kids are eating lunch, and getting writing time in while they have their quiet time. The morning is for school drop off (when it’s not summer)/household chores/outside play time/appointments, after quiet time is for appointments/dinner/activities (*this all varies depending on the day). By the time the kids are down for the night, I’m exhausted and prefer to relax.

That’s not to say that I don’t have time periods where I have to get up early to do work, or stay up late to get something done; it again depends on the season of life we find ourselves in. But, my natural tendencies make me more prone to afternoons than mornings or nights.

All this is to say, if you have found that you don’t think you’re a morning person or night person, know that you’re not alone! I also prefer the middle of the day.

And I want to add that we shouldn’t feel the need to make ourselves fit into either of the categories. Quite frankly, it will be healthier for you to embrace the natural tendencies you have than forcing ones you don’t. (Again, this depends on your season of life. Sometimes we have to get up early or stay up late).

Do you consider yourself to be a morning person, afternoon person, or night owl? Comment below!

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