Faith Motherhood

Relating to Mary as a Mother

This morning I was looking on Instagram and saw a beautiful reflection by @alexandriaderose about how women give up their bodies for another through motherhood, just as Jesus did for us. Please go read it if you get the chance! When I read it, I was inspired.

The women’s group I am a part of has been watching a series on The Eucharist through formed called, “Presence; The Mystery of The Eucharist”. I have learned so much from it so far! Because we have been studying the Eucharist for a few weeks, it has been on my mind recently and the women in my group had such a great discussion on the last episode we watched yesterday. So when I read the post by Alex, and how she relates giving up our bodies in motherhood to Our Lady of Sorrows, I started reflecting on that. In her opening, she starts off with the quote “This is my Body, given up for you.” So because of the recent study I am a part of, my mind instantly started reflecting on the Eucharist as well. But first, here is some backstory.

I am always so amazed at Mary’s fiat. Her unhesitating yes to God and trust in Him and His plan for her. She gave her life, her love, her body, and her mental health to Him. She gave Him everything, and in return He gave her everything. But it came with so much sacrifice. I can’t imagine how terrible it was for her to watch Jesus get mocked, tortured, and put to death when I have a hard time watching one of my kids get a scrape on their knee.

We sacrifice a lot for motherhood. Our identity is changed forever when we find out we are housing life within us. Our bodies go through changes, our relationships to our spouse and friends change, our sleep changes, our diet changes (thank you pregnancy aversions and cravings!). Even our mental health and way of thinking can change.

Sometimes being a mother can feel so lonely, overwhelming, and confusing. One moment you are stressed the baby is crying, the next moment you are overjoyed when they grab your finger and smile at you. You try so hard to get them to sleep but then miss them when they’re napping (sometimes 😉 )

As a mom of 4 under 4, I have not had any personal space when my kids are awake for years now. As women, we give so much of ourselves for our kids- our bodies as a home, our time, our love, and sometimes our mental health. I love being a mom to my kids, but for those who have been following my blog, you know that I have gotten overwhelmed at times. And looking back, I wish I would have thought about trying to relate to Mary.

Some of my pregnancies were unexpected. And I had a difficult time accepting that God planned for my family to grow again so soon. Looking at that now though, I think of how Mary said yes. She gave up her life so willingly for a baby. Not just any baby though, but the Son of God. Mary is the first human to carry the Body and Blood of Jesus within her. And she did it for 9 months of pregnancy! As Catholics, we all get to be tabernacles whenever we receive the Eucharist. We all get to follow in Mary’s footsteps.

But I feel that as a woman, I can relate to her on another level whenever I receive the Eucharist during pregnancy. As I mentioned before, Mary was the first person to carry the Body and Blood of Jesus. And she did it wholeheartedly despite all the suffering she knew would come with it. Women who are pregnant and receive Communion are not just carrying a baby, but also are carrying the Body of Christ at the same time! They know the sacrifice they are making when they say yes to life, they know the pains of labor are coming, but they say yes to these sacrifices, just as Mary did, and just as her Son would do too.

Looking back at my unexpected pregnancies, I wish I would have thought about this sooner. Maybe I would have viewed it in a different light. I am so happy with my family and how God has blessed us with our children, but at the time I was definitely feeling a little bitter, and worrying about gaining more weight, juggling a toddler and a baby, not getting sleep, etc. These are all valid things to be concerned about.

But I wish I could go back and also see the beauty of all of it. For 9 months, we get to be close to Mary when we receive the Eucharist, because just like her, we are tabernacles hosting life, and the Body of Christ!

Isn’t it great to be a woman?!

Thank you, Mother Mary, for being a role model for how to accept sacrifices with grace, strength, and trust in God. Pray for me to be as strong and patient as you are, so that I may join you in heaven, and help guide the lives I carried there as well.


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  1. I love Alexandria’s reflections. This is a wonderful way to relate to Mary.

    1. admin says:

      Yes! She has so many great reflections on her page.

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