
When life gets Overwhelming

Yesterday was one of those days. You know which ones I’m talking about. A ton of stuff on the schedule with some surprises tucked in.

My husband’s car needed an oil change so he left early to drop it off.

My daughter woke up with a headache, but after taking some medicine and laying down for a bit agreed that she felt like going to school.

I drop the kids off and go to the gym. I have to leave early so I can come home and shower before picking up one of my other daughters at school to take her to a doctor’s appointment.

I notice a missed call. It was the nurse. My daughter still had a headache and now had a fever. I guess I should have kept her home.

I quickly go home, shower, and leave earlier than planned to pick up both daughters at school so I could drop off the sick one at home to rest (thank goodness my husband works from home!) so I can take my other daughter to her appointment.

After the appointment I see a message from my husband. The car is worse than we thought. It now needs a bigger (and costly) repair that will take a week.

As you can imagine, my anxiety was pretty high at this point. And not just from the events from yesterday morning. This is how the past few weeks have gone for us.

During all this chaos, I just kept thinking, “I need to get to adoration. I need Jesus now more than ever.”

It reminded me of the quote by St. Francis de Sales: “Every one of us needs half an hour of prayer a day, except when we are busy- then we need an hour.”

I did make it to adoration yesterday (though I will admit, it was closer to half an hour than an hour, but I made it). I was able to talk with Jesus and share my troubles with Him. I sat in silence and read and prayed. It helped give a little peace to a stressful day.

It didn’t cure me of my anxiety or of all the chaos happening in my life right now, but it helped to just sit with Him and invite Him in.

Life has a way of throwing the unexpected at us. Not everything can be planned out. People get sick. Cars break down. But one thing that is constant is God. He is our rock, our salvation. And sometimes, (well really, all the time) we just need to lean on Him and trust that he’ll get us through the storms that pop up unexpectedly.

Here’s hoping for a smoother weekend!

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