Faith Life

Word of the Year

Hello and happy Saturday! Can you believe that January is almost over? Personally this month has felt long, but there has been a lot going on right now :D.

Last year I had “sunshine” become my word for the year to help me focus on the positive aspects of life and remind me of my kids. I decided to have a random word assigned to me this year by getting a “word of the year” bracelet from @berooted_beadco. When it came in the mail, I discovered that I got the word “bold”.

The first thing I did was look up the definition of bold so I could truly understand all meanings of the word before reflecting on it.

The definitions I found online are “1. (Of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous. 2. (Of a color or design) having a strong or vivid appearance”.

The words that stuck out to me are “confident and courageous”. Maybe this is another way of reminding me to trust in God’s plan for me and therefore be confident or bold in my actions.

Looking at the challenges this year that I’m already facing, I think it is an accurate word for me. As a person with anxiety, I tend to choose things that will make me feeling comfortable instead of (through my point of view) taking risks and going outside of my comfort zone. I need to start becoming bolder in my parenting techniques, such as taking (what I would consider to be) risks by taking the kids out of the house more, or travelling to visit family when I would rather stay in the comfort of my own home instead of stress about how I can get places and survive with the kids.


I’ve prayed to God for a friend and a community. Maybe God is wanting me to be bold by putting myself out there so I can meet new people and develop those friendships? It is so hard for me to leave the house and socialize. I just get so nervous and shy around new people. But, I can’t meet anyone new if I stay inside every day. Sometimes I need to be bold. I need to have courage so I can fill my cup so I can be my best for my kids.

(Since I wrote this reflection at the beginning of the month, I have joined a women’s group that I am able to attend now that works well with my schedule. It has been a blessing and gives us another chance to get out of the house each week).

I am looking forward to reflecting more on how to be bold, and would like to make it a project this year to research different bold figures from the bible, as well as saints to use as role models.

One that comes to mind right away is none other than our spiritual mother, Mary (rhyme not intended). I know that Mary is seen as a bold woman. She is one of the most courageous women I can think of (even the devil fears her!). She said yes to God’s plan when it meant so much pain for her. She is a leader as the Queen of Heaven and is our advocate. She is the most courageous woman and if I could have even a tiny bit of her courage, I would be a much better person.

I will continue reflecting on this word throughout the year, but for now, I’ll end on a prayer.

Mary, be a mother to me. Help me to be bold like you are and to say yes to God’s plan for me. Allow me to really reflect on your life and model mine as a mother and as a woman after your life. Pray for me, watch over me, and keep me under your mantle.

God, help me to be bold this year. Guide me and give me the courage to take risks and participate in activities that I would normally shy away from. Allow me to use this word and reflect on it so I can grow into a better person, and grow in my relationship with you.


Do you have a word you are reflecting on this year? What is it? What does the word “bold” mean to you? Please share below!

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