Faith Life Mental Health

An Ode to Thanksgiving

The month of November always seems to go by so quickly. It seems like it was just Halloween! Now we have snow on the ground here, holiday drinks are out at the stores and social media is covered in ideas for gifts you can give for Christmas. (I will also be sharing some ideas on here, too; but first, I want to focus on Thanksgiving).

Don’t get me wrong, I have been excited for Christmas and have been partaking in listening to Christmas music, watching Christmas movies and getting a holiday drink. But I can’t help but wondering, what about Thanksgiving? It feels like Christmas preparations have been getting pushed back earlier and earlier. I think there were even decorations out in the store before Halloween!

I understand wanting to get ahead of shipping delays and getting everything ready ahead of time, because I am that person. I’ve done a lot of my shopping already. But I also want to make sure I am focusing on the right things for this season.

November is for three main things: celebrating the saints, remembering those who have passed before us, and thanking God for our blessings. But each year, it seems like that is cast aside and Christmas takes over everything. And while Christmas is a beautiful time of year (and one of my favorite times of the year), we shouldn’t forget to take a pause and say, thank you.

Remembering the positives in your life can help anxiety

This week has been stressful for me. Everyone got back home on Sunday from our visit with family, which meant we got behind on keeping up with the house. It got super cold here this week and snowed. The snow causes me a lot of anxiety, increases my stress levels, which makes me more likely to experience sensory overload (sound in particular- too much and I snap). One of the ways I try to manage my stress and anxiety is to exercise. But something I should also be doing is practice my mental exercises by remembering the blessings I have.

What I am thankful for this year

I was reflecting on what my life looked like a year ago. I just found out I was pregnant with Elijah after suffering a miscarriage. I was excited, but scared. I had several blood tests done this month. We were also house hunting, because we had outgrown the house we were in and the living conditions weren’t the best for our family. So much was up in the air and unknown.

This year, I am thankful for the gift of time. 1 year later, and I have a healthy baby boy, we have a nice house with plenty of room for our family. The kids have a yard to play in. 1 year later and I have begun to heal from the pain of miscarriage.

I am thankful for a quick visit over the weekend to see my family, and technology to talk to them for the times when we aren’t together. I am thankful for our home and the difference it has made to have enough space for our family. I am also thankful for my family, my reason for doing what I do.

Thanksgiving Challenge

I want to start a challenge. For this next week, let’s remember Thanksgiving (and not just the turkey and wonderful meal!). Share something you’re thankful for, whether it is a new house, family, or maybe even the cup of coffee you got that’s helping you survive the day after a rough night. You can post it to your stories, and then tag another account or two to share what they’re thankful for. Or, you can give someone a call on the phone or write a letter and tell them you are thankful for their friendship. If we focus on our blessings, we’re more likely to think positive and find the joy we want to have for the holiday season!

I can’t wait to hear what everyone is thankful for this year!

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