Faith Motherhood

Arms Outstretched

Theresa took her first steps!

Arms outstretched she reaches for Him. Her baby is finally here! She looks at him with love in her eyes and says “I love you so much, my dear!”

Arms outstretched she encourages him as he takes his first steps with uncertainty. When he reaches her she applauds and embraces him very tightly.

Arms outstretched she runs to him and asks him where he’s been. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”* he replied to them.

Arms outstretched she calls to him to ask for help for a friend. “Do whatever he tells you”** she says, and the problem he did mend. 

Arms outstretched she follows him up that long and scary hill. Her heart is aching watching her son’s purpose become fulfilled.

Arms outstretched he grows weak from hanging on a cross. He sees her loving eyes on him, and feels for her loss.

Arms outstretched she reaches for him to say goodbye before he’s placed in a tomb. All the while wishing he was still a baby safe within her womb. 

Arms outstretched he greets her, a big smile on his face. How wonderful it is to finally have his mother in heaven with him to embrace.

Arms outstretched she reaches for us drawing us closer to her son. Hoping one day we will join her when our time has come.

Arms outstretched I reached for her, as she took her first steps to me. I gave her a big embrace and twirled her around while looking at her proudly. 

Arms outstretched I guide my kids and pray they’ll find their way. All the time knowing that she is guiding me to help guide them to make it to heaven some day.

*Luke 2:49

**John 2:5

Our sweet Theresa took her first steps yesterday and inspired this post. She has been working towards this for a long time now. We are so proud of her!

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