Friday Features

Friday Features: Guest #22- Jesse Frances Nott

My heart has been heavy recently. It seems like so much darkness and sadness is going on in the world recently, and its all tugging on my heartstrings. From my loss, to other’s losses, and all the other depressing news reports, I’ve felt discouraged.

But I look down and see the shirt I’m wearing today. and see the words, “when you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.” It makes me think of Mother Teresa. She always talked about being joyful and smiling even in moments where you yourself did not feel that way.

I thought that the perfect guest for this week’s Friday Features is our tiny saint, Jesse Frances. Especially since October 15th is pregnancy loss awareness day. I meant to get this written yesterday, but I got behind.

“Do small things with great love.”

Mother Teresa

When I think of Jesse, I think of this Mother Teresa quote. Jesse was only 6 weeks old when he/she passed away, although we didn’t find out until my ultrasound at 8 weeks. Jesse was tiny. Jesse did not have a heartbeat. But the amount of love that Jesse gave us and blessed us with was enormous. And the unending love that God has for our Jesse brings me peace.

Although Jesse was small, we loved Jesse with all of our hearts. And we are so blessed by the amount of love for Jesse and our family that was shown to us when we found out about the miscarriage. We had family helping us plan the burial, sending us cards and messages to check up on us. Friends made us meals, prayed for our family and sent us remembrance gifts. We felt the love of Jesse and for Jesse from all these acts of love.

Jesse’s Joy

The amount of joy that Jesse brought our family is a gift that we will never forget. (The name Jesse even means “God’s Gift”. Though his/her life on earth was short, his/her love will last a lifetime. I decided that I want to keep the joy that Jesse brought us alive by blessing others.

Yesterday I started making these angel baby peg dolls in remembrance of all the babies that passed too soon. If you would like one in remembrance of your baby, please let me know- I’d love to send one to you! All I ask in return is to say a prayer for Jesse, and pass on some of Jesse’s joy when you get the chance to do something nice for someone.

“It’s alright to be little bitty

A little hometown or a big old city

Might as well share, might as well smile

Life goes on for a little bitty while”

Alan Jackson
I got this sign from @littlerabbitsignco and thought it was perfect to hang up a picture of Jesse on to watch over us while we pray <3

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