Friday Features

Friday Features: Guest #26- Carla Duran

“Do small things with great love?

I try to demonstrate by using nature and saint quotes that love is found everywhere. I know social media can be good but it can also be very damaging. We must remember that we only get a glimpse of life. Before opening my shop I had to take frequent breaks from social media because the perfection of it sometimes would lead me down a spiral of negative emotions about myself, my life, my house, etc. When I opened ‘The One Simple Life’ I wanted it to be a positive corner. I aim and hope that when you run across my picture or video in your little square that it reminds you of the love that GOD has for you. In my own home the quote is in everything I do. From the food I prepare for my children, to the laundry that I fold for them. It is all for my love for them. I once read you can love your children the same but they will each remember that love differently. I know that to be true because we all love differently. I know one of my children requires time. If I get too busy and don’t spend time with her I can see her mood completely change. Spending even 30 minutes with her changes her demeanor. 

My inspiration in life in general is simplicity. I guess I should talk about the name of my shop. The One Simple Life. Well first, we get ONE LIFE. This life is it, we will get no redo’s, no do overs, no rewind. I read a book on stories of people who were in their last moments. The majority of them missed the simple things in life that they had taken for granted; that impacted me a lot. When Covid hit, most of us immediately retreated not knowing what we were dealing with. Lock downs and mandates had us missing the simple things in life. That coffee with a friend, that quick lunch date to catch up, the walk in the park, etc. Again, the simple things in life all of a sudden became the important things. THE ONE SIMPLE LIFE became such an important reminder for myself. Moving away and living an hour away from the city I started to see inspiration in life. The bee doesn’t worry if the flower will bloom. The bird sings every morning without worrying what is to come. We spend so much time worrying (I know because I suffer from anxiety) that we miss the beautiful things in life. The simple things. Imagine GOD sending you the most BEAUTIFUL sunrise, morning sun, or clear blue skies and yet we don’t even look up. We are so busy getting to x, y, and z that we miss this beautiful canvas he paints for us. 

I have so many prayers that are my favorite and they have each played an important part of my life depending on what in my life I was dealing with. Today as a wife and mother I find myself thinking of our Blessed mother more and more. I often think of her worries. What did she think as she saw Jesus playing? When he was growing up and had so many questions. Her suffering in seeing her only son be crucified. My heart aches differently than when I was younger. I have made it a habit to pray the Rosary everyday. It helps bring me peace. My favorite prayer is the St. Patrick Prayer because it reminds me constantly that GOD is with me. Even when I don’t feel him, He is right beside me. I cherish that prayer. 

I have a Catholic jewelry shop that is called, as I mentioned above, The One Simple Life. You can find me on instagram as @theonesimplelifeshop and My Instagram is of course about my shop but it is much more. I try to keep motivation and scripture the basis of it. I would love to grow the community who just wants to center on the positivity of our faith. That wants to look for the light in the world. Faith in GOD and in his promises. I use nature and jewelry to bring some joy. For anyone who suffers with anxiety, like me, or depression, come on over to my shop. I’d love to chat. If I could give one piece of advice to anyone who is like me it is, “it’s a season, it will get better.” Look at your surroundings and focus on your blessings. If you ever feel like you can’t handle the burdens of life then tell GOD everything you feel. Hand him your anxiety, give him your troubles. Ask not that it is over but that you understand the suffering. For me it has been transformational. There is redemption in suffering if we offer it up and learn to do it wholeheartedly. 

Carla is a SAHM to 3 kiddos ages 13 and under. You can find her walking the trails as her home sits on the edge of a National Forest. She draws inspiration from nature and likes to say the Holy Spirit guides her and her shop. You can find more of her reels and jewelry on Instagram, @theonesimplelifeshop. She loves praying the Rosary (tries to pray it everyday) and would love to pray for you. 

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