
Happy Easter!

    It has been awhile since I have posted. I just couldn’t really think of anything to write about. As this quarantine keeps getting extended, I’ve found myself slowly losing motivation and hope, and last week it just kind of hit me. We had several things not work out in our favor, minor plumbing issues and failed mail delivery from a misunderstanding, canceling our trip home to visit my parents, and an important doctor appointment that just gave me a lot of anxiety all came together to just increase my stress. I was trying to get everything ready for Easter and Rebecca’s birthday and in a way that helped keep me busy and gave me a little motivation to get things done. But ultimately last week was just not a good one for me. It was hard not to be able to go to church for Holy Week, and not be able to go visit my family. The kids are also getting restless, and we’ve had a cold front come through that hasn’t given us nice weather to go outside to play or run.
Our 3 Easter Bunnies

We all had a good Easter, but I couldn’t help feeling a little sad as we watched mass on the TV that we weren’t actually there. As I’m reflecting on all this now though, I know that I have a lot to be grateful for. One of the beautiful things about Easter is the hope of new life that comes from Jesus’ Sacrifice for us. I’m so blessed to have been able to celebrate Easter in our home with my family, and to have the technology to still talk to family and spend time with them on Easter even if it was just over the phone. We also just celebrated Rebecca’s 2nd birthday yesterday!

My 2 year old!
    The doctor appointment I was so nervous about confirmed that we will be having another baby joining us this year in November! We’re both nervous and excited. We have so many blessings to be grateful for and I know that when I am feeling stressed or down I just need to think of all of them and trust that God has a specific plan for me.
   It’s so easy to get overwhelmed when there’s not a visible end to the quarantine in sight. But I know all of this is just temporary and I just need to keep praying and have hope that this will all get better sooner rather than later.
One of the things I got for Easter this year is an Easter Lily. I saw it at the store and got it because they are usually used in Church as decoration for Easter. When I got it, no flowers had bloomed yet. The next day, I got to witness one of the flowers opening up just on time for Easter. It was a beautiful thing to watch and reminds me of the miracle that took place on the first Easter morning of Jesus rising up from the dead.
    I hope you all have had a good start to the Easter season and are continuing to have hope during this quarantine. I will try to write another blog post soon.

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