Faith Life Mental Health

Just keep Shoveling

Isn’t it amazing how two people can have completely different opinions on the same situation/thing?

Something that is really important to one person may not even be on another’s radar. Someone might be excited about the rain while another is wishing for sunshine.

This past week has been a snowy one in Iowa. On Monday night we were hit with snowstorm Finn, which left us with around 10 inches (according to a measurement taken by one of my neighbors) of wet and heavy snow. The kids actually got a snow day, so I was able to enjoy the snow a little bit more since I didn’t have to drive in it. That is, until I had to shovel it.

I have mentioned here before that I do not enjoy the snow. It causes me so much anxiety and stress trying to drive in it (people here have high standards of what’s safe compared to what I’m used to coming from Virginia). I am longing for summer where we don’t have to worry about grabbing coats, hats, and finding enough gloves for everyone before leaving the house.

Tuesday morning started off nice and slow. I sat down and finally finished our Christmas cards and got them sent out. I enjoyed my cup of coffee. Then the kids were ready to play in the snow. After about 20 minutes of getting them ready to go, I headed outside to begin shoveling the driveway and sidewalk.

An hour later, 2 kids were inside recovering from the cold, and the older two were getting ready to join them. I was still outside shoveling with no end in sight. Then Rebecca came out front to say bye to me, noticed the second shovel out front (my earlier attempt to calm down Theresa that failed when she was upset she couldn’t lift the shovel with snow), and asked me if she could help. I agreed, and boy am I glad I did!

Rebecca is not like me. She loves the snow! She kept thanking me for letting her help, and when she would fall down, she’d giggle, and get right back up. She kept telling me how happy she was to help me out. She stayed outside helping me for another hour until we were done! Meanwhile, I was struggling to keep calm and found myself grumbling about the snow and complaining how hard it was to shovel. Rebecca’s company added some much needed sunshine to that task.

Even though I struggled, I did try to turn my thoughts around. I thought about how in a few years, it won’t be so hard to shovel because I’ll have 6 helpers and the job will get done fast. I was also thankful for still getting a workout in even though our gym was closed due to the weather.

I am sharing this story to say this: it is ok if you are struggling through a situation or having a difficult time right now. It is ok not to feel happy about a circumstance that is giving you stress. But try to find someone who will be a light for you who can walk through it with you. God created us to have a community! He never expected us to go through life alone. And if you know someone who is going through a difficult time right now, try to be that light for them.

We have another snowstorm in the forecast for tonight into tomorrow. While I’m not happy about it, I know that I can count on my daughter to spread some extra joy that I’ll need when I go back out to shovel. (This snowstorm is showing to give us another 9 inches!). I will also try my best to keep my thoughts positive, while also allowing myself to feel disappointed that the weather has been so rough. It’s all about finding a good balance, right?

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