
Noticing God’s Handiwork

Life has been so busy lately. Not in a bad way, more of just every day is filled with an activity or appointment way. Each week starts and by Tuesday I feel like it should be the weekend already. School is in full swing now as are each of the kid’s activities.

Some of our kids are struggling though. Nothing major, but enough to cause me to stay up at night worrying. One of the ways to process stress is to talk about it, and I am so thankful to have people that I can be vulnerable with. And something I have realized is that I seem to find people who are experiencing similar struggles. And it makes me realize God’s handiwork in my relationships. He puts people in our lives when we need them.

I was reflecting on this on my way back home after a playdate this morning. It was just a year ago that I was praying for friends. I was lonely and didn’t get out of the house much. And shortly after I finished a novena for St. Therese’s feast day (my intention was for me to make a friend), I started talking with another mom whose girls were in Rebecca’s ballet class. She has since become a good friend. I joined a women’s group at the beginning of the year and met some women at our church, one of which offered to babysit my kids for a few hours one day so I could write (that was amazing). I met some other parents at Theresa’s taekwondo class that have a child who has struggles similar to Shiloh and were giving me advice on places/providers to see. I started saying yes to more activities that opened me up to meeting more people (my therapist was also encouraging me to branch out- God put her in my life too!).

A year ago I would have never have imagined that I would have this community of others to go through life with. And I’m so thankful for them! God does answer our prayers, just sometimes not in the way that we expect them to be answered. Don’t be afraid to invite people into your life (including your struggles) and to ask for prayers. Prayers are powerful and God is always listening.

Who has God put in your life when you needed them?

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