
Reflection while Running

If we have no peace it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

Mother Teresa

I was out for my run earlier and reached a point in my route where I needed to cross the street and turn around. I noticed there was a woman walking on that side, so to give us more space I crossed the street but waited to get onto the sidewalk until after we had passed by each other.

However, as I was running past, I noticed she smiled and waved at me, and seemed like she wanted to talk. I went over and said hello, and we had a nice conversation with each other. She said she wished she was able to run, and I told her how I was just getting back into it after having a baby.

That led to talking about the kids, and she noticed the shirt I was wearing said “Raising small things with great love.” She asked if I was a Christian, and I said yes and we talked about our parishes. We exchanged our names and then both went on our way. It was such a nice interaction I wasn’t expecting to happen when out for my run today.

I wish that Eliza Fletcher, the woman that was kidnapped during her run recently, would have had the same interaction as I did today. I have been thinking about her and her family recently and was reminded of this Mother Teresa quote.

We need to remember “that we belong to each other.”

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