Life Motherhood

Tips on Traveling With Kids

I recently wrote an article for (find it here) about having hope while traveling with kids, and just recorded a podcast for them going more into the topic.

Those of you following along with me know that I’m more introverted, and I’m better able to collect my thoughts as I write so I can take the time I need to edit and switch words around that just don’t seem to come to me in the moment (hello mom brain). I was so nervous during the recording, and after reflecting on the questions some more, I wanted to add an additional article to better portray some thoughts I have about the topic.

Here are my tips for traveling with kids:

  1. Prepare what you can at home. This includes: packing clothes, bathing suits, toys/entertainment for the flight, snacks, adding baby wipes for easy mess clean up, change of clothes for babies/toddlers **protip: pack bottles/pacifiers/lollipops for takeoff/landing to help with ears popping.
  2. Bring a little bit of home with you- let your child pick out their favorite animal/blanket and bring it with you to help with the transition to being in a new place. Try to keep it something small that will fit in a carryon so that if luggage is lost, they still have their special item.
  3. Talk about the trip with your kids so they know what to expect, show pictures of the place you’re staying so there are no surprises, and if you can, try to keep a routine while on your trip, even if it’s a new routine for your vacation to make it more predictable for the kids. Ex: go out for fun in the morning, back to hotel/place of residence for nap, then more fun in afternoon. Or keep it real simple and just do a wake up/bedtime routine. Even if it’s just a consistent bedtime. Whatever works best for your family and makes it easiest for the kids. 
  4. Lower expectations and be flexible- kids have big emotions, especially when they experience new things. They’re going to be stressed from a new environment and adjusting to everything just like you. There are bound to be some behavior changes as everyone adjusts.
  5. Go into the situation with a positive attitude. Know that plans might change, flights might get delayed or bags lost, but also know that people can be kind and helpful! Look for the good and that’s what you’ll find. 
  6. Know your limits- traveling is fun but also stressful; don’t try to force a situation for the experience if it’s going to cause too much stress/anxiety for you and your kids. 

I hope these tips help you and your family for future trips!

I also think it is important to add that for some families, trips are hard! It’s ok if your idea of a vacation is a day trip somewhere, or even a stay cation. If you are not comfortable taking the kids out somewhere new (especially if there is a concern with keeping all kids safe), then plan something else that is doable for you.

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