Faith Life Motherhood

A Day in the Life

Happy Monday! And happy International Women’s Day! I actually did not realize that it was today until I saw some other posts on Instagram. But I think it is fitting that I chose to do “a day in the life” on my stories today. I didn’t plan to do it today, I just happened to think of it this morning and went for it. But I hope after seeing what my day looks like, you can also get a view of what my life looks like as a woman right now.

If you do not have an Instagram, then I will go ahead and share the highlights of my day today.

This is all from my Instagram story that shows what my Monday looks like.

After watching my video, I hope you can see what stage of life I am in, and what as a woman, my life looks like for me right now. I am embracing womanhood as a mother currently, which is probably the most obvious thing about me to a stranger when they see me walking around with my kids. However, there are so many other things about being a woman that are important to me that you can also see from the highlights, and some things that you don’t see from behind the scenes.

My faith plays a big part in my life as a woman. Mary is one of my role models for motherhood and for what strength as a woman looks like. I try to start my day by praying the Rosary, and asking for Mary’s intercession for my intentions. When things get stressful in my day or I see someone who needs a prayer, the “Hail Mary” is the first prayer that I say. I am trying to practice “to Jesus through Mary” recently.

God is also a big part of my life as a woman. He chose me to be who I am. He planned for me to be a mom to four wonderful kids. Without His love and mercy, I would not be the woman that I am today. I was so happy to go to daily mass today with my girls and friend and be in His presence.

Today was a very productive day for me, despite the busy schedule. I got up early to take Gabriel to preschool, made sure all the kids were ready to go, fed, dressed, and out the door to make it on time to school and mass. Then I got the girls home, they played while I got a quick workout in, and then we were out the door again. I got Gabriel from preschool, brought everyone home, got everyone fed, let the kids play outside, and then put them all down for naps. I got a longer workout done and was able to spend time on my Lenten devotionals. I got the kids up and outside, and while they were playing I got things on my to do list done. The kids all ate dinner, got in pjs, and went to bed. I ate dinner, relaxed, and now am working on my blog.

I am a woman. I am a mom, I am strong, I am worthy, I am a writer, I am a housekeeper, I make sure the bills are paid on time, I make sure the kids are healthy, I make sure that I am healthy. I take care of my needs and my family’s needs. I am so much stronger than I thought I could be, and am able to handle a lot more than I thought possible. But I am also learning that it’s okay to accept help graciously when needed.

My beautiful girls <3

I am a woman. I have 3 daughters, and I want them to grow up with a good role model, and to know how strong and capable they are! I also want them to know the beauty of being a woman as God’s daughter. I want them to see the beauty of womanhood through their faith, and grow stronger in their relationship to Mary and her Son.

I hope all the women reading this are proud of who they are and see womanhood for the gift that it is, no matter where in your journey of womanhood you’re in right now.

Happy Women’s Day!

What are your favorite parts about being a woman?

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