
Happy Thanksgiving!

Shiloh’s 1st Thanksgiving!

Hello, everyone and happy Thanksgiving! I just wanted to hop on here quick and share some of my reflections of this month and this year. Despite all the challenges this year has brought us, there is so much to be thankful for!

This month in particular has been such a good month. It started off with Shiloh being born on All Saints Day! My husband has paternity leave and has been home with us which has been such a blessing! We have also had beautiful weather for this time of year; we even got up to the 70s one day (for Iowa, that is warm). I have been able to take advantage of the nice weather and go out on walks with Snowy every day recently. We got snow one day this month too, and everything looked so pretty outside.

This year has presented its challenges for us from COVID, Theresa’s surgery, a surprise pregnancy, my mental health struggles, and last minute changes in military trainings. When facing all these challenges, it can be so easy to focus on the negatives. Let’s face it, 2020 has not been the best year. But it is at those times when it becomes so important to remember all the positive parts of your life too.

2020 has been quite the stressful year, but I also view it as the year where I have found my voice. If you are a parent, then I am sure that you have heard the phrase, “you are your child’s advocate”. That phrase applies to you as well. I am my own advocate. Other than God, I know myself better than anyone else does. I know what I want, but I do not always make the time or put in the effort to take care of my needs or end up brushing them off as unimportant. But this year, I realized how unhappy that has made me.

I am so thankful for my husband!

I started my blog this year and have come to realize how much I enjoy writing. I started praying the Rosary this year and have been trying to read more books about my faith and parenthood to learn more.

I also took a big step out of my comfort zone and scheduled a face to face confession with a priest my family knows well because it had been way too long since I had gone. I kept putting it off and used the restrictions from COVID as an excuse to not go, when really, God was calling me to return to Him. When I finally went, I felt so much peace and wish I would have gone sooner.

The kids had fun making these crafts and watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving!
Their Thanksgiving pictures 🙂

I think one of the biggest steps I have taken this year has been advocating for my mental health. I have always struggled with anxiety but have never prioritized it and have never been brave enough to pursue counseling. I decided that this time, I was tired of feeling this way, and have been going to counseling and making my mental health more of a priority. Having perinatal/postpartum depression/anxiety is not anything I would wish for anyone, and it can leave me feeling like a terrible friend, wife, and mom. But after getting myself the treatment that I needed, I’m starting to feel more like myself again, and hope that as time goes on things will get easier.

Despite all the challenges this year has brought, one thing has always remained consistent. God has always provided for us- whether we realized it at the time or not. He knows what is best for us, and sometimes it takes these challenges in life to present us with the opportunities we need to improve ourselves and grow. While I honestly cannot say I am always thrilled when a new challenge comes along, I grateful for the challenges that I have faced and overcome this year, and I would not be the same person that I am right now if I didn’t have to face them.

Our Thanksgiving dinner

Today has been a good day. We had beautiful weather again, and I was able to go on a walk with Snowy. The kids enjoyed crafting this morning, and Shiloh celebrated her first Thanksgiving with us! We decided to stay home this year since Shiloh is still so little, so I got to make dinner again this year. I normally do not like cooking, but making Thanksgiving dinner for my family is something I look forward to and it gives me a sense of accomplishment (even if most of the kids don’t eat it :P. Oh well, there’s always next year!).

I hope you and your families all have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the rest of the weekend!

What are some of the things you are Thankful for? How did you celebrate today? Feel free to comment below!

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