
Meet Shiloh

Shiloh Elizabeth Nott

It’s hard to believe that this Sunday Shiloh will already be 3 weeks old! At the same time, I can’t imagine life without her now, and I just wanted to do a little introduction post for her on here.

She was 7lbs 7oz, 19 inches

Shiloh was ready to join us early on All Saints Day, November 1, 2020. We were only at the hospital for 30 minutes before she was born! (You can read more of my birth story in my other post). We got to come home on November 3, and the kids were finally able to meet her in person. They are so in love with her and are great helpers! Theresa still doesn’t quite understand what’s going on yet but always has a big smile on her face when she sees Shiloh.

How we chose her name

Christian and I always try to choose biblical or religious names for our kids. We were looking up names online and Christian found the name Shiloh and really liked it. I was not as convinced but the name has grown on me now. Shiloh is a place in the Old Testament and can mean peace, and refers to the Messiah. I picked out her middle name, Elizabeth, after Mary’s cousin and John the Baptist’s mother. It also happens to be my sister Aimee’s middle name as well.

(FUN FACT: All the girls in my family share the same middle name with my daughters in the same order. Our oldest daughter Rebecca, shares the same middle name with my older sister Laura. Theresa, the next oldest daughter shares my middle name, and now Shiloh shares the same middle name with Aimee. We just need to have one more girl that can share a middle name with Emily, and another boy that will share the same middle name as my brother, Matthew…

But we are not even thinking about having any more kids at this point :P)

My Aunt sent me this picture of me as a baby with my grandmother. Do you think she looks like me?
Shiloh and I when she was 2 weeks old!

About Shiloh

Shiloh is still too little to really know what her personality will be. Right now, she loves snuggles, eating, and sleeps a lot…during the day. We’re hoping she will transition to understanding that night time is for sleeping soon and daytime is for playing :D. She is becoming much more alert now too.

We’re all enjoying getting to know one another and getting into a new routine. We can’t wait to see how she grows (but she can also take her time…I’m enjoying all the newborn snuggles while I can get them<3).

Shiloh was born with a lot of hair just like her siblings! She had the 2nd most hair at birth (Gabriel still had the most!).

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